An Argument Against The Use Of Hydraulic Fracturing

Hydraulic Fracturing: What to do?

Oil and natural gas are crucial to the twenty-first-century. Oil and natural gas are essential for the twenty-first century. Modern life would not be possible without oil and gas. Costs of hydraulic fractured products can be very high. The method of hydraulic fracturing allows oil and gas to be extracted from the shale rocks deep within the Earth’s crust. The most significant negative effects of this procedure include air pollution, climate change, and water contamination. Hydraulic fractures, or fracking as it is also known, are a dangerous procedure that can negatively impact human and environment health.

The first step of hydraulic fracturing is to drill 7,000 to 12,000. This step releases toxic gases into the air, as well as respirable crystalline silicon. Crystalline Silica is easily inhaled into the body. OSHA warned in 2012, “Crystalline sand inhalation can lead to silicosis.” Silicosis (an incurable lung disease) is caused by crystalline silica. Silicosis symptoms include fatigue and extreme shortness in breath. They can also cause cough, respiratory failure or even death. Despite protective clothing and masks, workers on fracking sites can still be exposed to respirable silica. The air is filled with deadly chemicals such as benzene, toluene and ethylbenzene. According to a study, workers at drilling sites are exposed to toxic chemicals. After that, water is pumped into pits that have no lining. It can escape the pit and contaminate clean water. The Environmental Protection Agency concluded in December 2016 that fracking can contaminate water. This is a potentially dangerous situation for humans and wildlife. Not only does it affect above-ground ponds, lakes and reservoirs but also the groundwater. According to a study conducted in Colorado, 90 percent of the 77 fracking wastewater leaks that affected groundwater were contaminated. Benzene is a cancer-causing chemical. Scientific American stated that this made it difficult to investigate the groundwater contamination caused by fracking. It is difficult for doctors who drink contaminated water to diagnose their patients because they cannot analyze these compounds. Even though hydraulic fracturing was proven to cause so many health concerns, the method used to frack water hasn’t been changed. If we don’t find a way to stop it before things get worse, not only will the human population be affected but the environment as well.

Hydraulic fracturing has been linked to climate change, according to newer research. Air pollution caused by fracking is felt far beyond the local area. New studies show that the air pollution caused by hydraulic fracturing can travel for hundreds of miles. This includes states that do not practice fracking. Even if an area, country, community or state bans the practice of fracking it can still have a negative impact on them.

Natural gas is considered to be safer and cleaner than previously mass-produced sources. The use of natural gas reduces our dependence on coal. This is considered worse for the planet. The Smithsonian reported that burning natural gas produced nearly half the amount of carbon dioxide per unit as compared to coal. Although it may seem that natural gas has fewer harmful effects than coal, in most cases it is no better. The Guardian reports that “shale-gas and oil extraction are the most dominant sources, causing leak rates as low as 0.18-2.8% before gas has been distributed to customers.”

The method of hydraulic fracturing used by humans to obtain natural gas and oil is destructive and dangerous. Fracking can lead to water and atmospheric pollution. This is harmful for human health and the environment. Fracking is harmful to the environment and to its inhabitants. However, despite this, humans will continue to use it due to their dependency on natural gas. The result is that nature will continue deteriorating until a solution can be found.


  • rowenvasquez

    Rowen Vasquez is a 39-year-old educational blogger and school teacher. She has been writing about education for more than 10 years and has developed a following of educators and parents across the globe. Her writing is engaging and informative, and she often uses her blog to share her experiences working in the classroom.